College Park Academy provides students the opportunity to enroll in college courses during high school. Students can participate in dual enrollment where they earn high school and college credits by taking college courses, or they can do concurrent enrollment, where they earn college credits toward a major. By providing our students access to a wide array of college courses, we provide them the opportunity to experience college academics which demystifies the process for them. While they participate in college courses, students discover they are capable and prepared for their futures in top colleges and universities. This opportunity instills a sense of confidence and preparedness for students to bring into their higher education experience.

Some current college courses College Park Academy students take include: 

  • Environmental Science 101
  • Philosophy 101
  • Intensive Intermediate French
  • Journalism
  • Architecture
  • Engineering
  • Sociology 100 


At College Park Academy, we understand that each student is unique and equipped with their own set of strengths and challenges. We offer the opportunity for students to work at an accelerated pace, allowing them to take ownership over the speed of their education and thus remain challenged.

Traditional classroom settings often struggle with the varied pace at which students learn. To provide the proper support to some students, at times this means moving too slow for others, creating an environment in which students can be bored and not engaged while others are trying to catch up. Classes are personalized by the students themselves, who guide themselves through chapters and modules, making the most of their education at the speed right for them.

College Park Academy will institute deadlines at which assignments and lessons must be completed to ensure that all students finish their courses in a timely manner. Some students may accelerate their pace and work ahead of class, completing assignments before due dates, while others may be working on pace with classroom instruction and completing assignments by deadline. By setting a minimum pace, teachers can remain confident that students are staying on track, engaged, and challenged. The deadlines dispersed throughout the course allow teachers to check in on student progress and ensure that everyone is mastering the material.

In addition to self-pacing, CPA offers accelerated math and science classes in middle school. Students who are grasping new concepts rapidly and who have demonstrated, through test scores and classroom activities, that they are capable of learning at a higher level are given the opportunity to take advanced classes. These accelerated classes give our most ambitious learners the opportunity to excel even more quickly and begin high school having already completed Biology and Algebra I—the science and math classes taken by most PGCPS freshmen.