College Park Academy offers several opportunities for parents to volunteer.

Our volunteers benefit our students by allowing certain student activities - field trips and special events - to take place. Volunteering can also be an enriching opportunity for parents to meet other parents in the community and spend time with the staff and students of College Park Academy. We are always accepting volunteers for chaperones, event gate and concession stand workers, coaches, teacher aides, and office assistants. Some special events which require volunteers include Career Day, Science Fair, College Fair, Spelling Bee, STEM Fair, Principal for a Day, Men Make a Difference Day, and Book Fair. ​

"Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care."
Theodore Roosevelt
26th President of the United States

Join us!

Individuals, including parents, who wish to volunteer within Prince George’s County must undergo a full background check. Any parent wishing to participate in a field trip must submit fingerprinting receipts and all relevant forms at least sixty days before the trip. More information on volunteer requirements can be found on the volunteer page of the PGCPS website: https://www.pgcps.org/fingerprinting/

Contact the school principals for more information.